Exhibition catalogue edited by Gabriele Simongini, exhibition promoted and supported by the Ministry of Culture, texts by Alessandro Giuli, Massimo Osanna, Renata Cristina Mazzantini, Gabriele Simongini, Giovanni Lista, Ada Masoero, Claudio Giorgione, Gunter Berghaus, Elena Gigli, Francesca Barbi Marinetti, Francesco Perdetti, Marcello Veneziani, Ida Mitrano and Riccardo Notte. Pp. 153, 154. Catalogue of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia Founded by Giovanni Treccani, graphic design by SMV- Studio Moretti Visani. ISBN 978-88-12-01229-9.
Exhibition catalog edited by Ida Mitrano and Rita Pedonesi, published by the Municipality of Marino, presentations by Stefano Cecchi, Pamela Muccini and Alessandro Bedetti, texts by Ida Mitrano, Rita Pedonesi, Carlo Fabrizio Carli and Carmine Siniscalco. Graphic design and printing Tipografia Renzo Pallozzi, Marino, September 2024
Exhibition catalogue edited by Ida Mitrano and Rita Pedonesi, exhibition organisation by the Commission of the Municipal Library, with the contribution and patronage of the Lombardy Region, the Province of Sondrio, the Valtellina di Sondrio Mountain Community, BIM, the Municipality of Sondrio, the Municipality of Chiuro, the Municipality of Piateda, the Municipality of Treviso, the Municipality of Ponte in Valtellina. Texts in the catalogue by Ida Mitrano, Rino Vairetti, Claudio Fanchetti. Printed by Tipografia Bettini, Sondrio, March 2024. ISBN 9788894342178
DE AQUA – 30 Artists of Today Reflect on Water (2024)
Exhibition catalog edited by Stefania Severi, published by the Federazione Unitaria Italiana Scrittori (FUIS), texts in the catalog by Natale Antonio Rossi, Marco Corsi and Stefania Severi. Pp. 48, 49. Catalog VEAT Litografia snc, February 2024.
I ARE – Need for an experience (2023)
Exhibition catalogue edited by Ida Mitrano and Rita Pedonesi, project promoted and realized by the Cultural Association in time, set up by Stefano Capuani, texts by Ennio Calabria, Rita Pedonesi, Ida Mitrano, Tiziana Caroselli, Danilo Maestosi, Carla Mazzoni. Pp. 40, 42. Catalog Tipografia Multiprint, Rome, November 2023
Exhibition catalog by Laura Monachesi and Michele Amici, project and installation by Massimo and Chiara Domenicucci, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture and UNESCO. Texts by Michele Amici, Vincenzo Parma, Francoise Bonale Fiquet, Gemma Mezza Umani Ronchi, Giuliana Gardelli, Silvia Bottaro. pp. 39-47.
ART VISITS…, the Opera (2022)
Exhibition catalog edited by Carla Mazzoni, on the occasion of the Festival dei Due Mondi, texts by Luca Filipponi, Carla Mazzoni, Luigi Romiti, pp. 26-27. Multiprint Typography Catalogue, Rome, 2022.
IN THE TOE OF THE BOOT, diary of an art seeker, places, memories, memories, testimonies (2022)
Volume written by Enzo Le Pera, edited by Ghislain Mayaud, texts by Franz Caruso, Paride Leporace, Enzo Paolini. In the section MC: masters of Calabria, contemporary masters, pp.260. Falco Publisher, Cosenza, 2022.
VISITS OF ART… the opera, the artists, the school, Antinoo Center for Art – M. Yourcenar Rome (2021)
Exhibition catalog edited by Laura Monachesi, texts by Raffaele Mambella, pp. 53-84.
ARS SINE TEMPORE, Journey through the art of Calabria from the XNUMXth century to today (2021)
Volume edited by Enzo Le Pera, texts by Teodolinda Coltellaro, Enzo Le Pera, Maurizio Vitiello, pp. 259 – 396 – 404. Ferrari Publisher, Rossano (CS), 2021.
A MOSAIC FOR TORNARECCIO, The country where mosaics flourish XII Edition (2020)
Exhibition catalog edited by Ida Mitrano, texts by Ida Mitrano and Piergiorgio Greco, pp. 26 – 39. AMA Editions, Atessa, 2020.
ITALIAN ARTISTS AND THE NEW TIMES, PROM Kultury Saska Kepa, Warsaw (2019)
Exhibition catalog edited by Ida Mitrano and Rita Pedonesi - Cultural Association In Tempo, texts by Magdalena Czerwosz, Rita Pedonesi, Ida Mitrano and Malformata Wrzesniak. pp. 46 - 60.
MANIFEST, Manifesto for art. Painting and Sculpture. Reflections and comments (2019)
Book edited by Ida Mitrano and Rita Pedonesi, p. 169. Bordeaux Editions, Rome, 2019.
CALABRIA, Focus on contemporary art, (August 2019)
Volume written by Enzo Le Pera, Gianluca Covelli and Ghislain Mayaud, with the collaboration of the "Il triangle" art gallery. P. 45. Rubbettino Editore, Catanzaro, 2019.
LIVES OF ART ... Opera, artists, school, Antinous International Center for Art - M. Yourcenar, Rome (2019)
Exhibition catalog edited by Roberta Filippi and Laura Monachesi texts by Luigi Romiti, Giuliana Gardelli, Roberta Filippi, and Gianluigi Capitanio, p. 75
Art Paths in Italy, Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli (CZ) (2018)
Volume edited by Giorgio Di Genova, Carlo Franza, Enzo Le Pera, critical commission: G. Covelli, G. Di Genova, C. Franza, E. Le Pera, M. Melani, L. Pollio L. Turco Liberi, M. Vitiello, pp. 112-113
XLV SULMONA PRIZE "GAETANO PALLOZZI" - INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Diocesan Civic Museum - Sulmona, Verdone Editore, Castelli (TE) (August, 2018)
Catalog of the Prize edited by Gaetano Pallozzi Vittorio Sgarbi, Carlo Fabrizio Carli, Giorgio Di Genova, Raffaele Giannantonio, Enzo Le Pera, Cosimo Savastano, Duccio Trombadori, Maurizio Vitiello, Gaetano Pallozzi, pp. 47 - 163
Avant-garde and trans-avant-garde - Permanent collection and temporary figures at the Civic Museum of Taverna, I QUADERNI DEL MUSEO edizioni, Catanzaro (July, 2018)
Permanent collection catalog edited by Giuseppe Valentino, presentations by Sebastiano Tarantino and Clementina Amelio, texts by Giuseppe Valentino and Caterina Vitelli, pp. 12 - 21
Lina Passalacqua Cosmic Dynamism - Cosmic Dynamism ANTOLOGICA - ANTHOLOGY curated by Carlo Fabrizio Carli, Gangemi Editore International, Rome (December 2017)
Exhibition catalog with text by Carlo Fabrizio Carli, which contains an overview of the last 50 years of Lina Passalacqua's work.
LIMEN ART MUSEUMS VIBO VALENTIA, ROMANO Editions, Vibo Valentia (December 2016)
Volume on the collection of the Vibo Valentia Art Museum located in the Valentianum Complex, texts by Michele Lico, Donatella Romeo, p.166
XLIII SULMONA PRIZE - INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Circle of Art and Culture "Il Quadrivio" of Sulmona, Sulmona (November 2016)
Catalog of the 43rd international exhibition edited by Gaetano Pallozzi, texts by Giuseppe Di Pangrazio, Annamaria Cassini, Giuliano Presutti, Vittorio Sgarbi, Carlo Fabrizio Carli, Giorgio Di Genova, Raffaele Giannantonio, Enzo Le Pera, Duccio Trombadori, Maurizio Vitiello, p.136
INFINITE STRUCTURES OF LIGHT TRIBUTE TO FRANCESCO GUERRIERI, edited by Teodolinda Coltellaro, OPEN SPACE Editions, Catanzaro (December 2015)
Catalog showing homage to Francesco Guerrieri, edited by Teodolinda Coltellaro, texts by Rocco Guglielmo and Teodolinda Coltellaro, pp. 30-46
LIMEN Arte 2015 International Award - VII edition, Romano Edizioni, Vibo Valentia (December 2015)
Volume of the International Prize, texts by Michele Lico, Giorgio Bonomi, Giorgio Di Genova, Vincenzo Le Pera, Lara Caccia, pp.102-103-234.
LIVED OF ART ... the opera, the artists, the school, Antinous International Center for Art, Ars Hypermedia, Rome (November, 2015)
Exhibition catalog edited by Laura Monachesi and Roberta Filippi, texts by Rino Caputo, Franco Giannini, Luigi Romiti, Sara Bordini, Carla Cenci, Roberta Filippi, Giuliana Gardelli, Serena Di Giovanni, pp. 71 - 108 - 109.
XLII SULMONA PRIZE 2015 - International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Diocesan Civic Museum of Sulmona, 5 September - 3 October 2015, Gerardo Di Cola Editore, Sulmona (2015)
Exhibition catalog edited by Gaetano PALLOZZI, texts by Vittorio Sgarbi, Carlo Fabrizio Carli, Toti Carpentieri, Giorgio Di Genova, Enzo Le Pera, Massimo Pasqualone, Duccio Trombadori, Maurizio Vitiello. Invited by Enzo Le Pera, Fr. 122.
NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR GRAPHICS Carlo Alberto Petrucci director and artist, Palombi Editore, Rome (February 2014)
Book on Carlo Alberto Petrucci edited by Alida Moltedo Mapelli, biography by Annalisa Laghi, texts by Annalisa Laghi, Alida Moltedo Malpelli, Lucia Paolantonio, Eugenia Querci, Isabella Reale, pp. 93-94
Woman and Multiculturalism in today's Europe, Altrosguardo associated artists, Palombi & Lanci srl, Rome (2014)
Exhibition catalog edited by Roberta Filippi, texts by Roberta Filippi, Pietro Di Loreto, Serena Di Giovanni, p. 23
ART PATHS IN ITALY, curated by Enzo Le Pera, Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli (CZ) (September 2014)
Volume edited by Enzo Le Pera, Toti Carpentieri, Teodolinda Coltellaro, Giorgio Di Genova, Enzo Le Pera, Ghislain Mayaud, p. 207-286
BIENNALE D'ARTE REGIONAL COMPETITION - Painting City of Lamezia Terme Fourth edition, Catalog of the Historical Exhibition and all the Works in Competition, Art review by Pino Natale, Calabria Mia Editions, Lamezia Terme (CZ) (April 2014)
Exhibition catalog edited by Pino Natale, texts by Pino Natale, Luigi Tallarico, Tina Saletnich, Paolano Ferrantino, Tonino Iacopetta, pp. 110-111-127. Luigi Verrino Award for 50 years of artistic activity.
THE BOOK: OF ART AND ARTIST, Italian Cultural Institute of Tel Aviv, Israel (October 16, 2013)
Exhibition catalog edited by Carmine Siniscalco, Carmela Callea, Marina Trivella, texts by Francesco Maria Talò, Ron Huldai, Ayelet Bitan-Shlonsky, Carmine Siniscalco, Carmela Callea.
1973-2013 - ART PATHS IN CALABRIA, IL TRIANGOLO ART GALLERY, Graphics Pollino, Castrovillari (October 2013)
Exhibition catalog edited by Marcello Guido and Giorgio Le Pera, texts by Maria Rita Acciardi, Giovanni Baglione, Lucio Barbera, Mario Caligiuri, Alessandro Campolongo, Ottavio Cavalcanti, Pietro De Leo, Giorgio Di Genova, Ernesto d'Ippolito, Franco Felicetti, Fabrizio Lemme, Enzo Le Pera, Michele Lico, Ghislain Mayaud, Oreste Morcavallo, Sandro Principe, Giuseppe Selvaggi, Teodolinda Coltellaro, Tonino Sicoli, Luigi Tallarico, pp. 43
Lina Passalacqua The Four Seasons, Gangemi Editore, Rome (March 2013)
Exhibition catalog edited by Maria Teresa Benedetti, texts by Maria Teresa Benedetti, Carmine Siniscalco, Lina Passalacqua.
BIENNALE NATIONAL ART COMPETITION Painting - Sculpture City of Lamezia Terme Third Edition, Catalog of the historical section and all the Works in Competition, Calabria Mia Publishing House, Lamezia Terme (May 2011)
Exhibition catalog edited by Pino Natale, texts by Luigi Tallarico, Maurizio Marini, pp. 74 -75 - 76
Introduction to human communication, by Antonio Meli, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City (2011)
Antonio Meli's book on human communication, on the cover The media, by Lina Passalacqua, photographic transfers, tempera on paper from 1969 (50 × 70 cm), courtesy of the Author.
SANTA MARIA IN MONTESANTO THE CHURCH OF THE ARTISTS OF ROME, by Stefania Severi, Rome Building (October 2010)
Stefania Severi's book on the artists' church, p. 95.
Woman today in the language of the artists of the soroptimist of Italy, Soroptimist International, Unione Italiana, Debatte Editore Livorno (2010)
Exhibition catalog edited by Stefania Severi, texts by Wilma Malucelli, Patrizia Cristofori Fedrizzi, Silvia Di Batte, Stefania Severi, pp. 80 - 81.
Rome Souvenir, The city and the green - Ideas for a collection, curated by Patrizia Rufini, GANGEMI EDITORE Rome (2009)
Exhibition catalog edited by Patrizia Rufini, presentation by Mirella Bentivoglio and Mons. Agostino da Costa Borges.
LIMEN Arte 2009 International Award, Romano Graphic Arts, Tropea (November 2009)
Exhibition catalog edited by Giorgio Di Genova, texts by Michele Lico, Giorgio Di Genova, Lucio Barbera, Massimo Duranti, Enzo Le Pera, Elena Pontiggia, pp. 104-168-169.
Lina Passalacqua flash 1960 - 1990, SER - Roman Publishing Company, Rome (March 2009)
Personal exhibition catalog within the artistic exhibition "modiemondidelfareartistico", texts Lina Passalacqua, Renato Civello and Cinzia Folcarelli.
V BIENNALE OF CONTEMPORARY SACRED ART, Catalog, Archdiocese of Lecce, Martano Editrice Lecce (March 2009)
Exhibition catalog of the Fifth Triennial of Contemporary Sacred Art by Toti Carpentieri, texts by Achille Bonito Oliva, Toti Carpentieri, Pietro Marino, p. 136.
FUTURISMO in its centenary, continuity, Congedo Editore, Galatina (LE), (2009)
Exhibition catalog edited by Luigi Tallarico, texts by Gaetano Gorgoni, Michele Lombardi, Antonio Lucio Giasone, Gabriele Greco, Pierluigi Portaluri, Fulco Ruffo Di Calabria, Luigi Tallarico, Toti Carpentieri, p. 135.
BIENNALE NATIONAL ART COMPETITION Painting - Sculpture - Ceramics City of Lamezia Terme "Second Edition" - Catalog of the historical section and all the works in competition, Art review by Pino Natale, Calabria Mia Editions, Lamezia Terme (January 2009)
Exhibition catalog edited by Pino Natale, texts by Luigi Tallarico, Maurizio Calvesi, Carlo Carlino, Maurizio Marini, Claudio Strinati, p. 53-54-149.
6th BIENNIAL ARTIST'S BOOK CITY OF CASSINO, Gangemi Editore, Rome (October 2009)
Exhibition catalog edited by Teresa Pollidori, texts by Bruno Scittarelli, Beniamino Papa, Vittoria Biasi, Gabriele Perretta, pp. 35-75.
Encyclopedia of the art of Calabria 2008th and XNUMXth centuries by Enzo Le Pera, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (CZ) (June, XNUMX)
Encyclopedia of the art of Calabria, presentation by Michele Lico, pp. 341-586.
ROMAN SPRING 2008 TAKING A POSITION ARGAM 2008, Roman Association of Modern Art Galleries, Edizioni Bora Bologna (2008)
Exhibition catalog edited by ARGAM, texts by Alberto Stancanelli, Giorgio Bruno Civello, Carmine Siniscalco, Sandro Barbagallo, Enzo Bilardello, Carlo Fabrizio Carli, Bruno Caruso, Costanzo Costantini, Domenico Guzzi, Giuliano Serafini, Alessandro Sette, Gabriele Simongini, p. 23.
MINIMUM DIARY by Mario Verdone - hunter of images. a historian of the cinema collector of futurism and beyond, Edizioni MEMORI, Rome (November 2008)
Book by Mario Verdone with a preface by Carlo Verdone, pp. 102-103.
SPRING SALON Research and praise of form, Roman Association of Modern Art Galleries, Edizioni Bora, Bologna (May, 2007)
Exhibition catalog edited by Carmine Siniscalco
ROMAN SPRING 2007 - ART TODAY ART TOMORROW NOTES AND PROPOSALS, Roman Association of Modern Art Galleries, Edizioni Bora, Bologna (2007)
Exhibition catalog edited by Carmine Siniscalco, texts by Silvio Di Francia, Giorgio Bruno Civello, Carmine Siniscalco, Andrea Romoli Barberini, Vittoria Biasi, Ennio Calabria, Carlo Fabrizio Carli, Ida Mitrano, Alfio Mongelli.
UFACSI, Union Feminine Artistique et Culturelle Salons Internationaux, Chapelle de Bellevue YZEURE - MOULINS, Salon Officiel (September, 2007)
Exhibition catalog by FOCSI, p. 10.
Birth in contemporary art - thirty artists thirty by thirty, Open Space Editions, Catanzaro (December 2006)
Exhibition catalog edited by Rosario Pinto and Tiziana Altomare.
UFACSI, Union Feminine Artistique et Culturelle Salons Internationaux, Bibliothèque Regionale de Manuscrits KONYA, Salon Officiel, Turkey (December 2006)
Exhibition catalog by FOCSI.
VENITE ADOREMUS sacred art exhibition III edition, Miligraf Typography, Formello (November 2006)
Exhibition catalog edited by Stefania Severi, texts by Marco Frisina, Stefania Severi, Cesare Badaloni, pp. 34-52.
UFACSI, Union Feminine Artistique et Culturelle Salons Internationaux, Musée de Peinture et de Sculpture IZMIR, Resim ve Heykel Muzesi, Salon Officiel, Turkey (October, 2006)
Exhibition catalog by FOCSI, p. 17.
1st BIENNALE NATIONAL COMPETITION OF MODERN ART Painting - Sculpture - Ceramics, Lamezia Terme June 9-25 2006, Art review by Pino Natale, Calabria Mia Publishing House, Lamezia Terme (June 2006)
Exhibition catalog edited by Pino Natale, texts by Michele Roberto, Luigi Tallarico, Tonino Iacopetta.
PASSALACQUA - FLIGHTS, Graficonsul Group, Rome (May 2006)
Personal exhibition catalog edited by Carmine Siniscalco, texts by Maria Teresa Benedetti, Fiammetta Jori, Carmine Siniscalco.
May Salon - Spring Signs, Gangemi Editore, Rome (March 2006)
Exhibition catalog edited by Carmine Siniscalco, texts by Enrico Gasbarra, Alessandro Nicosia, Carmine Siniscalco, pp. 68-69.
Enzo Le Pera - Calabria and Art, Dictionary of the Calabrian Artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with a reading on Calabrian painting up to the seventeenth century, GRAPHICS FEMIA, Marina di Gioiosa Jonica (RC) (June 2005)
Dictionary by Enzo Le Pera in collaboration with the Gazzetta del Sud, pp. 118-201.
pictures for a dream. Review of Contemporary Art, Massa Editore, Naples (May 2005)
Exhibition catalog edited by Giorgio Di Genova, texts by Giuseppe D'Aiuto, Giorgio Di Genova, Ugo Piscopo, pp. 42-43-59-60.
FEMME - ART - MEDITERRANEE, CULTURES SOLIDAIRES, Exposition des femmes créatrices de la méditerranée, Dar Al Manahil, Casablanca (April 2005)
Catalog exhibited by Aliki Moschis-Gauget, texts by Aliki Moschis-Gauget, p. 24.
CLEOPATRA - from Michelangelo to contemporary art, Azerbaijan (December 2004)
Exhibition catalog edited by Carmine Siniscalco.
"SABAUDIA FERRUCCIO FERRAZZI" NATIONAL PAINTING AWARD - 2nd EDITION 2003, Alchimio Graphic Arts, Latina (December 2003)
Exhibition catalog edited by Salvatore Schintu, Marco Raponi, Luigi Prisco, Carlo Fabrizio Carli, pp. 76-117.
Artists of the twentieth century in Rome, Rendina Editori, Rome (September 2003) by Renato Civello, Typography Art. Aldo Palombi, Rome (September 2003)
Book by Renato Civello, pp. 275-276-277-431.
CLEOPATRA, Egyptian Academy - Rome (May 2002)
Exhibition catalog edited by Carmine Siniscalco, texts by Farouk Wahba, Carmine Siniscalco, pp. 6-21.
PALMA PALMAE, Pendragon Editions, by Gianfranco De Micheli and Francesco De Santis, Bologna (December 2001)
Book by Franco Maria Raimondo, Claudio Littardi, Guglielmo Bilancioni, p.183.
Catalog of the Permanent Collections of the Museum of the '900 G. Bargellini, texts by Giulio Bargellini and Giorgio Di Genova, pp. 182 - 317.
HISTORY OF ITALIAN ART OF THE '900 GENERATION THIRTY by Giorgio Di Genova, Edizioni Bora, Bologna (December 2000)
Volume by Giorgio di Genova on Italian artists born in the 1930s, pp. 563 - 728.
PALMS BETWEEN BOTANY AND ART, University of Naples Federico II Botanical Garden, Naples (September 2000)
Exhibition catalog edited by Edoardo Pinto, texts by Edoardo Pinto, Gioacchino Vallariello, Giancarlo Cassina, Gianni Bedini, pp. 45-58-59.
Women Creators of Peace Women Creators For Peace - Final Report - 1st International Forum for a Culture of Peace by Mediterranean Women Creators, Rhodes (September 2000)
Report of the first FAM Forum, Rhodes 6-9 September 2000, p. 40.