(edited by) Laura MONACHESI, LIVED OF ART… opera, artists, school, exhibition catalog, Antinous Center for Art - M. Yourcenar Rome, 2021, pp. 53 - 84
(edited by) Enzo LE PERA, ARS SINE TEMPORE, Voyage in the Art di Calabria by century XIX ad today, Ferrari publisher Rossano CS, 2021, pp. 259 - 396 - 404
WET Augustine, "Vissi d'Arte", exhibition event in Aquileia, the Albatros Cultural Association - Six-monthly magazine, Publishing House, Audiovisual Production
Carl GUIDI, "Vissi d'Arte", exhibition event in Aquileia, dailygreen newspaper of the green economy, 3 September 2021
Silvia BOTTARO, Cultural forum puente de encuentro, facebook.com/foroculturalpuentedeencuentro, May 28, 2021
The New Savona, Close distances: life of a nation, www.lanuovasavona.it, May 23, 2021
National Association of Partisans of Italy, Near Distances: Lives of a Nation, Resistant Anpi Periodic, 9 May 2021
Giorgia ROSSI, A work by the Italian artist in the permanent collection “Estorick collection of modern Italian art” - Lina Passalacqua moves London, La Voce, Pomezia, 27 November 2020, p. 19
Editing The world of Abruzzo events, “A MOSAIC FOR TORNARECCIO” The town where mosaics flourish XII edition, The world of events, 1 August 2020
Marina DE NEGRI, Tornareccio, grand finale for A mosaic for Tornareccio, The closing ceremony will take place on August 30th during which the winner of the exhibition will be announced, in its 12th edition, Abruzzo News, 27 August 2020
METE editorial staff, Village-museum of enchantment: the twelfth edition of "A mosaic for Tornareccio" kicks off, METE of Italy and of the world, 31 July 2020
Drafting of Virtues Quotidiane, “A MOSAIC FOR TORNARECCIO”, THE INAUGURATION ON SATURDAY, Daily Virtues, 29 July 2020
Francesco RAPINO, Everything is ready for the inauguration of the XII edition of 'A Mosaic for Tornareccio', Abruzzo City Rumors, 29 July 2020
Moon TURELLI, In Abruzzo the small village of Tornareccio has turned into a real open-air museum, Staff Reporter News, July 25, 2020
Local Area editorial staff, After 4 years the artistic review "A mosaic for Tornareccio" returns, Local Area Val di Sangro Edition, July 2020
Il Messaggero editorial staff, Tornareccio, the mosaic city is looking for new works for the open-air urban gallery, Il Messaggero, 21 July 2020
AL Tv editorial staff, Art. From 30st to XNUMXth August 'A mosaic for Tornareccio' returns 'Beauty to restart in such a difficult year', AL Tv Live Abruzzo, 20 July 2020
Antonio CALABRESE, Summer 2020, 'A Mosaic for Tornareccio' is back. Sixteen artists competing to enrich the Borgo Museo, AbruzzoWebTv, 20 July 2020
Tourism Italy News, A mosaic for Tornareccio: all to be enjoyed (even on the web) the 93 masterpieces of the Abruzzo village-museumand, http://www.turismoitalianews.it/arte-architecture/16867-un-mosaico-per-tornareccio-tutti-da-godere-anche-sul-web-i-93-capolavori-del-borgo-museo- abruzzes, 07 July 2020
Enzo LE PERA, Gianluca COVELLI, Ghislain MAYAUD, CALABRIA Focus on contemporary art, Rubbettino Editore, Catanzaro, 2019, p. 45
(edited by) Roberta FILIPPI and Laura MONACHESI, LIVED OF ART… The opera, the artists, the school, exhibition catalog, Centro Antico per l'Arte - M. Yourcenar, Rome, 2019, p. 75
(edited by) Ida MITRANO, A mosaic for Tornareccio, The country where mosaics flourishi XII Edition 2020, exhibition catalog, AMA Editions, 2020, pp. 26 - 39
Roberto BILOTTI, Calabria Futurist - Bilotti Collection, La Voce Cosentina, January 31, 2020
Maurizio VITIELLO, Rome. Plus Arte Puls. Book "Manifestarsi" and exhibition "Italian artists and the new times", Positano News, December 6, 2019
Editorial CALABRIA.LIVE, COSENZA - The exhibition "Calabria - Focus on contemporary art", CALABRIA.LIVE, 9 November 2019
Salvatore ANELLI, Focus on contemporary art in Calabria, HIDALGO ARTE, 30 October 2019
Caroline BIORDI, In Cosenza at the Brettii and Enotri Museum CALABRIA Focus on contemporary art, La Voce, 29 October 2019
Qui Cosenza editorial staff, Focus on Contemporary Art at the Brettii and Enotri Museum, Qui Cosenza.it, 20 October 2019
Maurizio VITIELLO, Cosenza. Museum of Brettii and Enotri “CALABRIA Focus on contemporary art ", Positano News, 14 October 2019
Sinapsi News editorial staff, Museum of Brettii and Enotri “CALABRIA Focus on contemporary art ", Sinapsinews inside the news, 5 October 2019
Exibart editorial team, Calabria - Focus on contemporary art, The collective presents a focus on art in Calabria of the last 40 years, Exibart, October 2019
(edited by) Enzo LE PERA, Gianluca COVELLI, Ghislain MAYAUD, CALABRIA - Focus on Contemporary Art, Rubbettino Editore, Cosenza, August 2019, p. 45
(edited by) Ida MITRANO and Rita PEDONESI, Italian artists and the new times, PROM Kultury Saska Kepa, exh.cat., Warsaw, 2019, pp. 46 - 60
(edited by) Ida MITRANO and Rita PEDONESI, Manifestarsi, Manifesto for art. Painting and Sculpture Reflections and comments, Bordeaux Editions, Rome, 2019, p. 169
(edited by) Roberta FILIPPI and Laura MONACHESI, LIVES OF ART ... Opera, artists, school, exhibition catalog, Centro Antico per l'Arte - M. Yourcenar, Rome, 2019, p. 75
Luciano CARINI, At the Gallery of Contemporary Art Studio C until 23 May SIX MASTERS OF CONTEMPORARY ON EXHIBITION A FASCINATING JOURNEY INSIDE AND BEYOND FORM, Studio C Arte, 9 May 2019
EZNE Contemporary Art Magazine Editorial, 6 Masters of Contemporary on display, EZNE Contemporary Art Magazine
DataArte, 6 Contemporary Masters on display, Studio C Contemporary Art Gallery
ArteRaku.it Editorial staff, 6 masters of the contemporaneo on display, Raku Art
Magazine Art, 6 contemporary masters on display , Magazine Art, 8 May 2019
Arteit.it Editorial, 6 contemporary masters on display (3rd edition), Arteit.it, 2 May 2019
Luciano CARINI, Contemporary Masters on display third edition group exhibition, Arte.go, 30 April 2019
Exibart Editorial, Piacenza from 4 to 23 May 2019, 6 masters of contemporary art on display, Exibart, April 30, 2019
Latex lobe Editing, "6 Masters of Contemporary Art on show - 3rd edition" , Lobo di Lattice, April 30, 2019
John PARADISE, At the Contemporary Gallery Studio C in Piacenza, 6 Masters of the Contemporary, La Voce, 30 April 2019
Luciano CARINI, Studio C Gallery, “6 Masters of Contemporary Art on display - 3rd edition"IL PIACENZA, April 27, 2019
Maria Teresa LAMBERTI, Women on the front line, interview for the program Vittoria, Rai Radio Uno, 8 March 2019
Cesare LANZA, Best wishes from Lina Passalacqua, At five in the evening, December 19, 2018
Giorgia BIORDI, Sulmona Award 2018 Lina Passalacqua receives the Lifetime Achievement Award, La Voce, 9 October 2018
Rete5tv.it, Sulmona 45 Award, over 600 people at the three awards ceremony, 8 October 2018, www.rete5.tv
News of Abruzzo, Sulmona Prize, the winners of the 45th edition, 8 October 2018, www.notiziedabruzzo.it
Abruzzo News Center, 45TH EDITION OF THE SULMONA AWARD, THE AWARDS CEREMONY OF THE FIRST DAY, Illustrative video, 5 October 2018, http://centroabruzzonews.blogspot.com
Federico FALCON, Sulmona Prize, Marco Manzo from Rome wins the 45th edition: here are all the winners of the various sections, Abruzzo Live, 1 October 2018, www.abruzzolive.it
Exibart Editorial, Sulmona (AQ) - from 15 September to 6 October 2018, Sulmona Award 2018, Exibart, 15 September 2018
Raffaele GIANNATONIO, president of Il Quadrivio (edited by) XLV SULMONA PRIZE "Gaetano Pallozzi" - Exhibition of Contemporary International Art, Diocesan Civic Museum of Sulmona, 15 September-6 October 2018 Verdone Editore, August 2018, Castelli (Teramo). Texts by Vittorio Sgarbi, Raffaele Giannantonio, Carlo Fabrizio Carli, Giorgio Di Genova, Enzo Le Pera, Cosimo Savastano, Duccio Trombadori, Maurizio Vitiello, Gaetano Pallozzi; pp. 22-163.
Giorgio DI GENOVA, Carlo FRANZA, Enzo LE PERA (edited by), Art itineraries in Italy 2018, texts by Giorgio Di Genova, Laura Turco Liveri, Maurizio Vitiello, Rubettino Editore, 2018, pp. 14-112-113
Giuseppe VALENTINO (edited by) Avant-garde and Transavantgarde, permanent collection and temporary figures at the Civic Museum of Taverna, July 2018, Grafiche Trapasso (CZ), pp. 12 - 21
Roberta FILIPPI, The exhibition of Lina Passalacqua - The Dynamic Chromatism of Lina Passalacqua has ended at the Vittoriano, AboutArtonline, February 9, 2018, www.aboutartonline.com
Romano Maria LEVANTE, Passalacqua, fairy tales and legends in the anthology at the Vittoriano, ARTECULTURAOGGI.COM, 10 January 2018, www.blognew.aruba.it
Paul PAGLIARO, Fairy Tales and Legends by Lina Passalacqua, 9colonne, 4 January 2018, www.9colonne.it
Lucilla QUAIL, The VIPs and the artfully passed parties, Il Messaggero, January 3, 2018
Martina PARIS, The tales of Lina Passalacqua at the Vittoriano complex in Rome, interview for ILTEMPO.tv, 29 December 2017
Maria Teresa LAMBERTI, Women and Fairy Tales. Anna Oliverio Ferraris Lina Passalacqua, radio interview for the Vittoria program, Rai Radio Uno, 24 December 2017
Donatello URBAN, "TALES AND LEGENDS" - A captivating Christmas message proposed to visitors of an interesting exhibition at the Vittoriano - Ala Brasini - by Lina Passalacqua, Europe Journal, 22 December 2017
Amber MARTINO, Lina Passalacqua on display: Fairy tales and Legends are not just for children!, CulturaMente, 21 December 2017, www.culturati.it
Rossana ABRITTA, “Fairy tales and legends”, the enchantment of Lina Passalacqua at the Vittoriano, The Parallel Vision, 21 December 2017, www.theparallelvision.com
Mario DECANDIA, TROVAROMA - ART, La Repubblica, 21 December 2017
Giorgia Isabella TRIPALDI, The exhibitions to see in Rome until December 26th - Lina Passalacqua Fairy tales and Legends, romaweekend, December 21st 2017
Roberta BETA, Lina Passalacqua, radio interview for Radio Incontro Donna for the “Fattore Donna” program, 20 December 2017
Ostiaedintorni, Fairy tales and legends by Lina Passalacqua, OSTIA E DINTORNI.it, 19 December 2017
MAGAZINE ART, Lina Passalacqua "Fairy tales and legends", Magazine Art, 19 December 2017, www.magazineart.net
Serafina Barbati, At the Complesso del Vittoriano until 14 January the twenty paintings of the pictorial cycle Fiabe e Leggende by Lina Passalacqua, RomadaLeggere.it, www.romadaleggere.it
Danilo MAJESTIC, At the Vittoriano Museum in Rome Futurist fables, Succedeoggi, 18 December 2017, www.succedeoggi.it
Nica FLOWERS, LINA PASSALACQUA. FAIRY TALES AND LEGENDS, Scene illustrated on the web, 16 December 2017, www.scenaillustrata.com
DAILY FACT, What's BEAUTIFUL - ART, Il Fatto Quotidiano, 15 December 2017
Giorgio DE NOVELLIS, Lina Passalacqua. Fairy Tales and Legends, Arte.go, 15 December 2017, www.arte.go.it
Livia VENTIMIGLIA, Lina Passalacqua - Fairy Tales and Legends Exhibition, radio interview for Radio Cusano Campus for the column "We are what we pay", 15 December 2017
Cesare LANZA, Vittoriano complex, Brasini wing: Lina's Fairy Tales and Legends exhibition Passalacqua, 14 December 2017 at 10:30 am, La Mescolanza, 14 December 2017, www.lamescolansa.com
ARTE.it, Lina Passalacqua. Fairy Tales and Legends, ARTE.it, 14 December 2017, www.arte.it
TODAY ROME, Fairy tales and legends, A monographic of the Calabrian painter who has been a naturalized Roman for many years, Lina Passalacqua, Oggiroma, 14 December 2017, www.oggiroma.it
WANTED in ROME, Fairy tales and legends, Wanted in Rome, 14 December 2017, www.wantedinrome.com
THE MESSENGER, Fairy tales and legends, Il Messaggero, 14 December 2017
ARTRIBUNE, Lina Passalacqua - Fairy Tales and Legends, Artribune, 14 December 2017, www.artribune.com
Mario DECANDIA, FIND ARTE, La Repubblica, 14 December 2017
Gabriele SIMONGINI, Lina Passalacqua's exhibition opens today. Twenty extraordinary sketches are exhibited for the first time. “Fairy tales and legends” at the Vittoriano, Il Tempo, 14 December 2017
Vittorio ESPOSITO, In the Vittoriano complex in Rome, “Fiabe e Leggende” by Lina Passalacqua, La Voce, 12 December 2017
EXIBART, Lina Passalacqua - Fairy tales and legends, Exibart, 12 December 2017, www.exibart.com
ASKANEWS, Fairy tales and legends, Lina Passalacqua's exhibition at the Vittoriano in Rome, Askanews, 11 December 2017, www.askanews.it
Carlo Fabrizio CARLI, Lina Passalacqua. Cosmic Dynamism. Anthology, exhibition catalog, Gangemi Editore, December 2017, Rome
Cosenza Page, The exhibition of Calabrese Futurists inaugurated at the Museo del Presente, Cosenza Page, 28 September 2017
Massimo BARZETTI, Works by Lina Passalacqua at the Museum of the Present in Rende, La Voce, 26 September 2017
Federica MONTANELLI, Cultural vigor and vitality of Calabrian Futurism, La Gazzetta del sud, 29 September 2017
Alma MANERA, Italian artists like no one tells them: Lina Passalacqua the last futurist, The newspaper OFF, 22 September 2017
Alma MANERA, Lina Passalacqua The latest futurist, La Mescolanza, 17 September 2017
Michele LICO, Donatella ROMEO (edited by), LIMEN, Vibo Valentia Art Museum, Romano Edizioni, December 2016, Vibo Valentia, p. 166
QuiCosenza Redazione, From tomorrow to Rende the Calabrian Futurists in a spectacular exhibition, Quicosenza.it, 14 October 2016
Cesare LANZA, Put one evening to dinner, at Linuzza, At five in the evening, 27 May 2016
Cesare LANZA, Madamin, this is the catalog, Passalacqua and Jori, At five in the evening, December 11, 2015
Vincenzo LE PERA, Giorgio DI GENOVA, Lara CACCIA, Giorgio BONOMI (edited by), International Limen Art Award 2015 VII Publisher, Romano Graphic Arts, December 2015, Tropea, pp. 102-103-234
Gabriele SIMONGINI, Structures and light. Francesco Guerrieri in Catanzaro, Artribune, 22 December 2015
Vittorio ESPOSITO, At the Center for Open Space Art in Catanzaro Infinite structures of light, Homage to Francesco Guerrieri, La Voce, December 16, 2015 (reproduction of the work "Approdo al futuro")
Teodolinda COLTELLARO (edited by), Infinite structure of light - Tribute to Francesco Guerrieri, Open Space Editions, December 2015, Catanzaro, exhibition catalog, p. 30
News Art - News from the world of Art, "Vissi d'Arte ...", The opera, the artists, the school, from 15 November in Monte Porzio Catone, www.news-art.it (reproduction of the work "Le belle forme ...")
Adele SCARPELLI, Collective exhibition in the Villa Mondragone in Monte Porzio Catone - Vissi d'Arte, the opera, the artists, the school, 11 November 2015, La Voce, Cerveteri, Ladispoli, S. Marinella, Civitavecchia and Lago (reproduction of the work "The beautiful forms ...")
Cesare LANZA, Appointments / Oman, Lina Passalacqua, Charlot, Padua ..., 6 November 2015, At five in the evening, www.cesarelanza.com (reproduction of the work "The beautiful forms ...")
Laura MONACHESI, Roberta FILIPPI (edited by), LIVES OF ART - Opera, artists, school, texts by Sara Bordini, Carla Cenci, Roberta Filippi and Giuliana Gardelli, from 11 to 25 November 2015, Centro Antinoo Edition, Villa Mondragoni, Monte Porzio Catone (RM), pp. 33, 71 and 108
MagazineArt Editorial, From rigor to fantasy: still art, MagazineArt, 7 October 2015
Vittorio ESPOSITO, FORTY-TWO EDITION OF THE SULMONA AWARD, 9 September 2015, "La Voce", Cerveteri, Ladispoli, S. Marinella, Civitavecchia and Lake
Gaetano PALLOZZI (edited by), texts by Vittorio Sgarbi, Carlo Fabrizio Carli, Toti Carpentieri, Giorgio Di Genova, Enzo Le Pera, Massimo Pasqualone, Duccio Trombadori, Maurizio Vitiello. Invited by Enzo Le Pera. XLII SULMONA PRIZE 2015 - International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Diocesan Civic Museum of Sulmona, 5 September - 3 October 2015, Gerardo Di Cola Editore, Sulmona, p. 122
Peter DI LORETO, Woman and Multiculturality in today's Europe , 1 December 2014, Scenaillustratasulweb.it
Marianna FRIENDS, In Rome in the complex of S. Andrea al Quirinale, Woman and Multiculturalism in today's Europe, 12 November 2014, “La Voce”, www.quotidianolavoce.it
Paul VEGAS, Lina Passalacqua Futurist of our times, 28 October 2014, www.diariodelweb.it
Enzo LE PERA (edited by), texts by Toti Carpentieri, Teodolinda Coltellaro, Giorgio Di Genova, Enzo Le Pera, Ghislain Mayaud, ART ITINERARIES IN ITALY, September 2014, Rubbettino Editore, Catanzaro, p. 207
Cesare LANZA, LINA PASSALACQUA, THE LAST FUTURIST, LIVES IN ROME AND IS AN IMPORTANT PAINTER, 20 June 2014, “At five in the evening”, www.cesarelanza.com
Danilo MAJESTIC, Around for exhibitions, in Rome Quadri da abitare, 10 June 2014, www.succedeoggi.it
Antonio PECORARO, For the collages of Terlizzi double Roman event, 5 June 2014, “Il Mattino” - Naples
Angri.info redaction, The Roman exhibition “Collage… Painting” extended until 14 June, 5 June 2014, Angri.info
Vittorio ESPOSITO, Allo Studio S - Contemporary Art of Rome Collages and paintings by Lina Passalacqua and Ernesto Terlizzi, 4 June 2014, “La Voce”, Cerveteri
magazineart Editorial staff, Lina Passalacqua - Ernesto Terlizzi. Collage… Painting, 3 June 2014, magazineart.net
MAE Redazione, Ernesto Terlizzi and Lina Passalacqua at Studio S Arte Contemporanea Rome, 26 May 2014, milanoartexpo.com
Carmine SINISCALCO (edited by), Collage… Painting Lina Passalacqua - Ernesto Terlizzi, Studio S - Rome, 20 May - 9 June 2014, exhibition catalog
Mario DECANDIA, LINA PASSALACQUA ERNESTO TERLIZZI, 22 - 28 May 2014, "La Repubblica" - Rome
CP, THE EXHIBITION, THE CLOISTER San Domenico hosted the Biennale of Art, 29 April 2014, www.ilquotidianoweb.it
Sarah DI CARLO, An artist's tea with Lina Passalacqua, 2 April 2014, www.thelunchgirls.blogspot.it
Pino NATALE (edited by), presentation by Luigi Tallarico, BIENNALE D'ARTE City of Lamezia Terme Fourth Edition. Historical exhibition personal room. "Luigi Verrino" Award for 50 years of artistic activity, Calabria Mia Editore, Lamezia Terme, April 2014, exhibition catalog pp. 110-111
Alida MOLTEDO MAPELLI (edited by), Carlo Alberto Petrucci, director and artist, Palombi Publishing House on behalf of the National Institute for Graphics, February 2014, Rome, p. 94
Alberto ESPOSITO, Art and artist books at the Beith Hai'r Museum in Tel Aviv - Giorgio De Chirico and 36 contemporary artists, “La Voce”, 5 November 2013, Cerveteri
Teodolinda COLTELLARO, Calabria that creates, "L'ora della Calabria", 24 October 2013, Cosenza
Nunzia CAPTAIN, “The Triangle”: history of art, L'ora della Calabria, 13 October 2013
Carmine SINISCALCO (edited by), texts by Ayelet BITAN-SHLONSKY, Carmine SINISCALCO, Carmela CALLEA, THE BOOK: ART AND ARTIST, Beith Hai'r Tel Aviv Museum of Urban Culture - Jaffa, 17 October 2013 - 16 January 2014, publisher of the Italian Cultural Institute of Tel Aviv - Israel, exhibition catalog, pp. 2
Giorgio LE PERA and Marcello GUIDO (edited by), texts by Enzo LE PERA, Giorgio DI GENOVA, Giuseppe SELVAGGI, Tonino SICOLI, Luigi TALLARICO, ART PATHS IN CALABRIA - Forty artists for a gallery, Museo del Presente, Rende (CS), 11 October - 10 November 2013, Grafica Pollino-Castrovillari publisher, exhibition catalog, p. 43
RAIUNO TG1, Service on the night of museums, 13,00 pm TG, 19 May 2013,
Martina BARATTA, Lina Passalacqua: The Four Seasons, May 14 2013, www.pensieridicartapesta.it
Vittorio ESPOSITO, In Rome in the Monumental Complex of the Vittoriano The four seasons of Lina Passalacqua, “La Voce”, 5-6 May 2013, Cerveteri
Danilo MAJESTIC, The five seasons of Lina Passalacqua, “Il Messaggero”, 1 May 2013, Rome
Guglielmo GIGLIOTTI, Lina Passalacqua, “Il Giornale dell'Arte - See in Rome”, May-June 2013, Rome
Teodolinda COLTELLARO, Lina Passalacqua: the four seasons - The Calabrian artist on display at the Vittoriano in Rome, "L'Ora della Calabria", 30 April 2013, Cosenza
Emilia DODI, The 4 seasons of Lina Passalacqua, 29 April 2013, www.visum.it
Romano Maria LEVANTE, LINA PASSALACQUA, THE FOUR SEASONS AT THE VITTORIANO, 28 April 2013, arteculturaoggi.com
Gabriele SIMONGINI, Complex of the Vittoriano - The "Four Seasons" of Passalacqua on display, "Il Tempo", April 28, 2013, Rome
Mario DECANDIA, THE GREAT EXHIBITIONS, “La Repubblica” - Find Rome, 25 April 2013, Rome
NET NEWS, Presentation service, 19,00 TG, 23 April 2013
Piero FALLETTA, Lina Passalacqua: Exhibition "The four seasons", 21 April 2013, pieroeffenews.blogspot.it
Sarah DI CARLO, THE FOUR SEASONS - THE PAINTING OF LINA PASSALACQUA, 21 April 2013, www.sulpalco.it/culture.html
NETWORKSOLE, Presentation service and Interview with L. Passalacqua and MT Benedetti, 19.30 TG, 20 April 2013
LASTAMPA.it ART, Lina Passalacqua. The four Seasons, 19 April 2013, www.lastampa.it
Magazine Art, Lina Passalacqua. The four seasons, April 19, 2013, www.magazineart.org
Renzo DE SIMONE, LINA PASSALACQUA. The four Seasons, 18 April 2013, www.beniculturali.it
Cinzia FOLCARELLI, Lina Passalacqua. The four Seasons, April 16, 2013, OnLine Art Gallery
Art.Go, Lina Passalacqua. The four Seasons - Complesso del Vittoriano,15 April 2013, www.arte.go.it
Andrea CERQUA, THE FOUR SEASONS OF LINA PASSALAQUA, "Tracciati d'Arte", n ° 7 April - May - June 2013
Stephanie SEVERI, Lina Passalacqua: The four seasons, “Voce Romana”, number 20 - March-April 2013, Rome
Maria Teresa BENEDETTI, Carmine SINISCALCO, Lina PASSALACQUA, Lina Passalacqua - The four seasons, exhibition catalog, Gangemi Editore, March 2013, Rome
Vittorio ESPOSITO, In Rome at the Venanzo Crocetti Museum "AN ART FOR LIFE". Italy Evening, 30 May 2012
Mario DE CANDIA, SUMMARY - ART The great exhibitions, La Repubblica, 10-16 / 17-23 / 24-30 May 2012
Guglielmo GIGLIOTTI, Women between passion and reason, “Il Giornale dell'Arte - See in Rome”, April 2012, Rome
Francesca GIANNA, Five "Women between passion and reason ", “Italia Sera”, 10 March 2012, Rome
Danilo MAJESTIC, The emotions of Passalacqua, "Il Messaggero ”, 20 June 2011, Rome
Romac'è Drafting, Art - In progress - Painting Flash Graphics 1960-1990, www.romace.it
Mario DE CANDIA, Carnet Monday - Art, 13 June 2011
Daria ULISSI, Interviews: Rendez-Vous with Lina Passalacqua, Outside the Center - Art Reflections - Information Magazine, 7 June 2011, www.artefuoricentro.it
Nicoletta ANDREOZZI, Lina Passalacqua. Graphic flashes 1960 - 1990, May 30 2011, www.beniculturali.it
Cinzia FOLCARELLI, Lina Passalacqua Flash graphics 1960-1990, 5 June 2011, www.galleriad'arte online.it
Daria ULISSI, Interviews: Rendez-Vous with Lina Passalacqua, Out of Center Reflections of Art - Information Magazine, 7 June 2011, www.artefuoricentro.it
Sara BITTARELLI, In Rome in the Casanatense Library Lina Passalacqua: "Flash graphics 1960 - 1990", Italy Evening, 8 June 2011, Rome
Alexander JAKHNAGIEV, " Colors "- Lina Passalacqua at Casanatense, video broadcast on TV, by the ROMA 1 channel, Saturday 11 June 2011, 13 pm / midnight; Sunday 24 June 12 2011 am / 9 pm
Aylin OREK (Editor), UFACSI International Exhibition, église de St. Nicholas, 23 May / 4 June 2011, Lefkosa Chypre Nord
Pino NATALE (edited by), introduction by Luigi TALLARICO, Biennial of Art of Lamezia Terme, historical section and competition, Palazzo Nicotera, Lamezia Terme, 3 - 15 May 2011, Calabria Mia publisher, Lamezia Terme, exhibition catalog, pp. 74,75.76
Danilo MAJESTIC, Artists to the rescue of endangered palms, Il Messaggero, March 17, 2011
Stefania SEVERI (edited by), texts by Wilma MALUCELLI, Stefania SEVERI, Patrizia CRISTOFORI FEDRIZZI, Silvia DI BATTE, Woman Today - In the language of the Soroptimist artists of Italy, Casanatense Library, Rome, 25 September - 2 October 2010, Debatte editore, Livorno, exhibition catalog, pp. 80,81
Wilma MALUCELLI, Women in art - Lina Passalacqua, futurist of our timei, "The Voice of Women", June 2010, Milan
Sara BITTARELLI, At the S-Arte Contemporanea Studio in Rome, Artist's books and canvases, Italy Evening, April 14, 2010, Rome
Giorgio DI GENOVA (edited by), texts by Lucio BARBERA, Giorgio DI GENOVA, Massimo DURANTI, Enzo LE PERA, Elena PONTIGGIA - International Limen Art Award 2009, Palazzo Comunale E. Gagliardi, Vibo Valentia, 5 December 2009 - 10 January 2010, exhibition catalog, pp. 38, 104, 168
Vittoria BIASI - 6th Biennial Artist's Book City of Cassino - Pietro Malatesta Municipal Library, November 14 - December 4, 2009, Ed. Gangemi, Cassino, exhibition catalog, pp. 9, 35
Mirella BENTIVOGLIO - Rome souvenirs, the city and the green, Portuguese Institute, Ed. Gangemi, October 2009, Rome, exhibition catalog pp. 14-31
John PARADISE, Harmonize energy "interests" with environmental ones, “Italia sera”, 9 September 2009, Rome
Vittorio ESPOSITO - Lina Passalacqua, futurist of our times, "Elements 17", September 2009, Rome, p. 62 and magazine cover
Vittorio ESPOSITO - Lina Passalacqua, FLASH, “Italia Sera”, March 2009, Rome
Cinzia FOLCARELLI - Drawings Painting. Memories of contemporary time and space, presentation to the staff FLASH, Liceo Artistico Ripetta, Ed. Società Editrice Romana, March 2009, Rome
Mario DE CANDIA, Current exhibitions, Lina Passalacqua, 5-11 March 2009
Exibart Editorial, Lina Passalacqua FLASH GRAPHICS 1960-1990, EXIBART, March 5, 2009
Renato CIVELLO - A warm elegance, presentation to the staff FLASH , Liceo Artistico Ripetta, Ed. Società Editrice Romana, March 2009, Rome
Gian Giulio RADIVO - Lina Passalacqua "Flash", Crossroads of Beauty Vatican Radio, 11 March 2009, 18,30 pm, www. radiovaticana.org
Toti CARPENTIERI (edited by), texts by: Achille BONITO OLIVA, Toti CARPENTIERI, Pietro MARINO - Fifth Triennial of Contemporary Sacred Art, Archiepiscopal Seminary, 21 March-3 May 2009, Lecce, Ed.Martano exhibition catalog p. 136
Luigi TALLARICO (edited by) - FUTURISM in its centenary, continuity Galleria del Palazzo Ducale, February 20 - April 20 2009, Cavallino (Lecce), exhibition catalog pp. 135,136
Renato CIVELLO, Cinzia FOLCARELLI, Lina PASSALACQUA, Lina Passalacqua - Flash graphics 1960-1990, exhibition catalog, Roman Publishing Company, March 2009, Rome
Cinzia FOLCARELLI - Lina Passalacqua, February 19, 2009, www.galleriadarteonline.it
Cinzia FOLCARELLI - Futurism ... 100 years later, February 18, 2009, www.scienzaonline.com
Pino Natale (edited by), texts by Maurizio Calvesi, Maurizio Marini, Claudio Strinati, Luigi Tallarico - Biennial of Art City of Lamezia Terme. Second edition. Catalog of the historical section and all the works in competition, Ed. "Calabria mia", January 2009, Lamezia Terme, pag. 53,54 (Award for the Centenary of Futurism to Lina Passalacqua)
Rossana PARAVATI, The prizes of the Lamezia Art Biennale, Tomorrow, February 21, 2009
AP, Awards assigned by Calabria Mia ad Artists from around the country, Gazzetta del Sud, February 20, 2009
Calabria Editorial Now, The inspiration on display in Lamezia, CALABRIA NOW 28 January 2009
Mario VERDONE - Image hunter, Ed. Memori, November 2008, Rome, pp. 102, 103, 104, 125
Antonietta BRUNO, The City Biennale of Art inaugurated, TOMORROW - CALABRIA, December 27, 2008
Luigi TALLARICO (edited by) - Abstraction: 4 proposals. Lina Passalacqua, Tina Saletnich, Pino Contestabile, Enzo Fabbiano, 17 October 2008, Municipal Castle of S. Severina (Crotone)
Enzo LE PERA - Encyclopedia of Art of Calabria. Nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Ed. Rubettino, June 2008, Catanzaro, p. 341
Tiziana TODI - Thirties Generation anthology, Galleria Vittoria, May-June 2008, Ed. Bora, Rome, exhibition catalog, page 14
Carmine SINISCALCO (edited by) - Primavera Romana 2008. Take a stand, Museo Venanzo Crocetti, 22 April 2008, Ed. Bora, Rome, exhibition catalog pp.XXV-23
Annamaria MAMMOLITI - Women of art - freedom, "Minerva", n. 268, April 2008, Rome, p. 54
Vittorio ESPOSITO - Women of Art at the Cortese & Lisanti gallery in Rome, “Italia Sera”, 12 March 2008, Rome
Spring 2008, Arte IN June July 2008
Il Giornale dell'Arte Taking Position: ARGAM Spring 2008,2, May 2008, XNUMX
TrovaRoma Redazione, The major exhibitions - Taking Position, from 24 to 30 April 2008, Trova Roma La Repubblica
Zeno TENTELLA - From Sign to Matter, “Christmas in Via Margutta”, Il Saggiatore Gallery, 14 December 2007, Rome
Find Rome, mini-max, Find Roma La Repubblica, from 6 to 12 December 2007
La montagne, 40 femmes artistes 14 nations, «La Montagne», 23 September 2007, Moulins (France)
Elisabet NICOD (Editor) - UFACSI, Chapelle de Bellevue, 20 September 2007 Moulins (France), exh.cat. P. 10
Perrine VOILBERT - Female artists from 15 countries, «La Montagne», 30 juin 2007, Moulins (France)
La Montagne, L'art au feminine "La Montagne", 20 juin 2007, Moulins (France)
Carmine SINISCALCO (edited by) - Spring salon. Research and praise of the form Venanzo Crocetti Museum, 22 May - 22 June 2007, Rome, exhibition catalog
Rosario PINTO, Tiziana ALTOMARE (edited by) - NATIVITY in contemporary art. Thirty artists thirty by thirty, December 2006, Catanzaro, exhibition catalog
The newspaper, The nativity according to contemporary artists, Il Quotidiano, December 15, 2006
Calabria Now, “In out 2” 30 Italian artists invent the nativity, Calabria Ora, 11 December 2006
Tomorrow, "Nativity in Art in Catanzaro", Il Domani, Catanzaro, 9 December 2006
The newspaper, The Nativity on display, Il Quotidiano, December 8, 2006
TRONNOLONE rosary - Come Ad oremus, "Christian Horizons" Vatican Radio, 25 December 2006
Francesca GIANNA - In the Basilica of Santa Maria in Montesanto in Rome Come Adoremus - Sacred art exhibition III edition, “Italia sera”, 20 December 2006, Rome
GF- SACRED ART - The third edition of the international event that takes place in Rome, "Rinascita", 20 December 2006, Rome
Stefania SEVERI (edited by) - Come Adoremus. International exhibition of sacred art III edition, Church of the Artists, Christmas 2006, Rome, exhibition catalog pp. 14, 34,52
Hélène DEGUEL (Editor) - UFACSI, Union Feminine Artistique et Culturelle. Salons International, Musée de Peintureet Sculpture, 9 October 2006, Izimir (Turkey), exh.cat.p.17
Stefania SEVERI - Romana Spring 2006 "Encounters and Confrontations", “Voce Romana 2000”, n.7-8 July-August 2006, Rome p.8
Laura TURKISH LIVERI ARGAM 2006: Yesterday, today, tomorrow, "Terzoocchio "n. 119, June 2006, Ed. Bora Bologna, p. 41
Renato CIVELLO - Passalacqua, painting outside the box, "Century of Italy ”, 3 June 2006, Rome
Luigi TALLARICO - In the capital the futurist values of Passalacqua, "Century of Italy", 21 May 2006, Rome
Msgr.Giangiulio RADIVO - Lina Passalacqua FLIGHTS , Vatican Radio, May 20, 2006 14,30 pm, May 21, 13 pm, Rome
Mario PADOVAN - Art in Rome, “Italia sera”, 14 May 2006, Rome
Vittorio ESPOSITO - At the Studio-S Arte Contemporanea in Rome. The FLIGHT in the paintings of Lina Passalacqua, “Italia sera”, 17 May 2006, Rome
Fiammetta JORI - Lina Passalacqua, soul in flight, presentation to the staff Voli, Studio-S Contemporary Art, 9 May 2006, Rome, exhibition catalog
Maria Teresa BENEDETTI - The courage to dream, presentation to the staff FLIGHTS, Studio-S Arte Contemporanea, 9 May 2006, Rome, exhibition catalog
Carmine SINISCALCO, Lina's story, personal exhibition FLIGHTS, Studio-S Arte Contemporanea, 9 May 2006, Rome, exhibition catalog
ARGAM 2006 ROMAN SPRING Encounters Clashes Confrontations, 9 May 2006, Ed. Bora Roma, exhibition catalog, pp. 36-37
Flavia MANTOVANI - 9 May: the 2006th Roman Spring XNUMX begins, “The Voice of the Historic Center”, April 2006, Rome
Carmine SINISCALCO (edited by) - May Salon Signs of Spring, Complesso del Vittoriano, 4 April 2006, Ed. Gangemi Rome, exhibition catalog, p. 68-69
Aliki MOSCHIS-GAUGUET - Cultureolidires "Exposition des femmes créatrices de la mediterranèe",
FAM 14 April 2005, Casablanca, exh.cat., P. 24
Clorinda IRACE - Pictures for a dream, "Terzoocchio" n. 116, September 2005, Bologna p. 40
Enzo Le PERA - Calabria and Art. Dictionary of the Calabrian Artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Ed.La gazzetta del Sud, June 15, 2005, Cosenza, p.118
Giorgio DI GENOA - 7 like the Pleiades, in “Images for a dream”, edited by ALTS, 19 May 2005, Naples, exhibition catalog, pp. 14-22-59
Carmine SINISCALCO (edited by) - Cleopatra from Michelangelo to contemporary art, December 2004, Baku / Azerbaijan, exh.cat
Renato CIVELLO - "Artists of the twentieth century in Rome", Ed. Rendina, 2003, Rome, pp. 275-276-277
Carlo F. CARLI - In the sign of Continuity, Sabaudia National Painting Award “Ferruccio Ferrazzi”, 2nd edition, 23 December 2003, Sabaudia, exhibition catalog pp. 76,117
Stefania SEVERI - Cleopatra in Rome, "Lazio yesterday and today", November 2002, Rome
Carmine SINISCALCO (edited by) - cleopatra, Accademia D'Egitto, 16 May 2002, Rome, exhibition catalog p. 21
“Furthermore”, n ° 6, Ed. Ricciardi & Associati, 15 October 2002, Rome
“Furthermore”, n ° 5, Ed. Ricciardi & Associati, 15 September 2002, Rome
“Furthermore”, n ° 4, Ed. Ricciardi & Associati, 15 July / August 2002, Rome
"Furthermore", n ° 3, Ed. Ricciardi & Associati, 15 June 2002, Rome, p. 16
Carla MAZZUCA - Constellation Peace, editorial "Furthermore", n ° 2, May 15, 2002, Ed. Ricciardi & Associati, Rome, pp.4,5
Fiammetta JORI - Can the stars ever hate each other? "Furthermore", n ° 2, Ed. Ricciardi & Associati, May 15, 2002, Rome, pp. 4,5
Laura Turco LIVERI, A museum exhibition for the 30's generation, Terz'occhio, March 2002
Mario PADOVAN - Roman artists at the Pieve di Cento Museum, “Italia Sera”, 24-25 February 2002, Rome
Francesca CAOTORTA - As much is worth the prickly pear, “Il Sole 24 ore”, 24 February 2002, Milan
Renato CIVELLO - Dialectic of abstractionism. On display at the Bargellini Museum in Pieve di Cento the permanent collection of the artists of the Thirties, "Secolo d'Italia", 10 January 2002, Rome
Michele De LUCA - The Calabrese Guerrieri, Passalacqua and Malice exhibit in Pieve di Cento, "The Daily of Calabria", January 6, 2002, Cosenza
Giuseppe WILD, Pieve di cento at the Bargellini Museum an ambitious exhibition: 255 artists of the 30s generation, The newspaper of Italy, January 5, 2002
Giorgio Di GENOVA (edited by) - Permanent collections catalog - Thirties Generation biographical card of C. Nuvola, Museum of Italian Generations of the 900th century G. Bargellini, Pieve di Cento, 24 November 2001-10 February 2002 Ed. Bora, 2001, Bologna, exhibition catalog pp.182,307
Michele DE LUCA, Art: children born in the 30s, Nuovo newspaper di Puglia, 14 December 2001
Terz'occhio Editorial, 30's Generation, Terz'occhio, December 2001
Luigi TALLARICO, The Art of the 900th century leads back to the era of Italian primacy: an exhibition confirms it All children of the thirties, Il Secolo d'Italia 27 November 2001
Angiolo BANDINELLI, Small Ideas for a “Managerial” culture, Il Giornale, 10 November 2001
Laura TURCO LIVERI, Pieve di Cento Museums. The “G. Bargellini ”: The adventure continues…, Terz'occhio, December 900
Edoardo PINTO (edited by) - The Palms between botany and art, Orto Botanico, 20 September -1 October 2000 Naples, exhibition catalog pp. 45,58
Luigi TALLARICO - Florense Fair, "La Provincia Cosentina", 19 August 2000, Cosenza
Giorgio DI GENOA - History of Italian Art of the Twentieth Century. Thirties Generation, Ed. Bora, 2000, Bologna, p. 563
Renato CIVELLO - Painting - Symbol of Passalacqua, "Secolo d'Italia", 7 May 2000, Rome
Luigi Tallarico, Appointments with art, February 20, 2000
Corriere della sera, Inside Milan - Art, Exhibition "Sails" Xante Battaglia Foundation, February 1-6-12-13, 2000
Carlo FINI - Tales by Mario Verdotalking to the free time library, "La Voce del Campo", 22 December 1999, Rome
Carlo FINI - Sails in the wind of modernity, “La Voce del Campo”, 22 July 1999, Siena
Massimo BILIORSI - "Vele ”, a symbol of life in the art of Passalacqua, "La Nazione", 14 July 1999, Florence
Tuscany Today Editorial, Passalacqua to the Crypt of the Statues, Toscana Oggi, 4 July 1999, Florence
Maria Pia CORBELLI - “Primadonna "of Futurism, “La Voce del Campo”, 25 June 1999, Siena
Carmine SINISCALCO - Testimony to the staff: "Sails" Opera della Metropolitana - Crypt of the Statues - Siena Cathedral, 1999 Siena
Corriere di Siena Editorial, “Le Vele” on display at the Duomo, 19 June 1999, Siena
Luigi TALLARICO - New edition of the Pizzo Award: the oldest award dedicated to painting is forty-five years old. Continuity of Futurism, "Century of Italy", 4 August 1998, Rome
Felice Fausto MANTI - The list of all the winners, “Le Calabrie” 24th July 1998, Vibo Valentia
Antonio VACATELLO - To Lina Passalacqua the "City of Pizzo", "Gazzetta del Sud", 22 July 1998, Reggio Calabria
Mario LUNETTA - Winter flashes, RAI TRE, 11 March 1998, Rome
Giuseppe WILD - Will of energy doing painting, "Il Giornale d'Italia", 25 February 1998, Rome; Pizzo towards gold award, "Il Giornale d'Italia", 22 July 1998, Rome
Giusy FEDERICI - Lina Passalacqua. Le Vele, a song of freedom and mystery, “Lo Stato” magazine, 17 February 1998, Rome
Vito APULEO - Lina Passalacqua, Desire for art, "Il Messaggero" February 9, 1998, Rome
Stefania SEVERI - Lina Passalacqua: Sails, "Roma di scena", February 1998, Rome
Mario PADOVAN - Lina Passalacqua: Sails in the wind driven by color, " Italia Sera ”, 3 February 1988, Rome
Renato CIVELLO - An exhibition in Rome between "real" and "abstract". Passalacqua sails and metaphors, "Century of Italy", 30 January 1998, Rome
Ida GEROSA - Lina Passalacqua, Sails, "Cybernetic Art Cross Point" (http: //www.mclink/arte/lina.html) January 26, 1998
Carlo F. CARLI - Presentation to the staff Sails - oils and sketches, pastels, monotypes, Studio S - Contemporary Art, January 26, 1998, Rome, exhibition catalog
Il Resto del Carlino Editorial, 101 Palme d'Autore, 24 January 1998
Mario DE CANDIA - Lina Passalacqua, "La Repubblica - TrovaRoma", January 22, 1998, Rome
Micaela ESPOSITO, But what palms artists exhibited at the botanical garden, Il Giornale di Sicilia, 19 January 1998, Palermo
Paola NICITA, IF NATURE BECOMES ART, Today Sicily, January 18, 1998, Palermo
Rocco MOLITERNI, All the history of the world in 100 collectible palms, La Stampa, 18 January 1998, Rome
Federica CERTA, PUT A PALM ON THE CANVAS, January 18, 1998, Il Mediterraneo, January 18, 1998
Scarlett SLEITER, A Palmares in Palermo and surroundings, The Friday of the Republic, 18 January 1998, Rome
DomenicoGUZZI, Carmine SINISCALCO - Palms of the Author. Exhibition of Contemporary Art, January 18, 1998, Palermo Botanical Garden, exhibition catalog p. 14,28
Carlo F. CARLI - Presentation of the XXIII Sulmona Prize, International Review of Contemporary Art, 7-28 September 1996, Sulmona, exhibition catalog pp. 114,180
Jenny GATTA - Matter of taste, “Il Globo”, 9 April 1994, Rome
A. VENTURINI - A "sign" of passage, "Il Quotidiano San Marino", 7 July 1993
Stefania SEVERI - Lina Passalacqua from word to sign, State Museum of San Marino, 8-27 July “Next”, n. 29, summer - autumn 1993, Rome, p. 161
Mario PEPE - Gallery of Italian Artists. Lina passalacqua, "Review of Culture and School Life", n.3, May-June 1993, Rome, p. 8
Fiammetta JORI - Portrait to portrait. Dedicated to Lina Passalacqua who does not remember memories but knows how to portray thoughts, "Furthermore", n. 18, December 1992, Rome, p. 23,24,25
Enzo BENEDETTO - Lina Passalacqua, anthology Centro S. Luigi di Francia, “Futurism-today” nn 9-12, September / December 1992, Rome, p. 6
Mario DE CANDIA - Lina Passalacqua, "La Repubblica - TrovaRoma", November 26, 1992, Rome
Vanda WARRIORS - Melee, “A Goal for Sigmund”, Akhanaton Arts Center, 30 November - 24 December 1991, Cairo
Mario VERDONE - The window, "Idea" nos. 11-12, November / December 1991, Rome, p. 48
Carmine SINISCALCO, Mario URSINO - A goal for Sigmund, 30 November 1991, Cairo, exh.cat., Pp. 16,26
Jenny DI BERT - Lina Passalacqua: a self-portrait, Town Hall - Acquaviva Picena. "Next", n. 22, autumn 1991, Rome, p. 131
A. JEZZI - Lina Passalacqua: a self-portrait, interview, “Teleriviera”, 15 July 1991
Stefania SEVERI - Summer of Art from Lazio to Marche, “Lazio itinerary”, nos. 6-7, June-July1991, Rome p 49; presentation at the anthological exhibition"Lina Passalacqua: a self-portrait". Story of a video . Palazzo Comunale Sala del Palio, July-August 1991, Acquaviva Picena (AP)
Futurism Today, Between July and August, Art, p. 19, June - August 1991 6,7,8 year XXIII
Futurism Today, Muscara , p.19, January - February 1991 1,2, year XXIII
Edoardo COSTANTINO - A self-portrait on video. Lina Passalacqua. "Proposals", n. 1, 19 February - 4 March 1991, Rome; Gugi - Passalacqua - Sciamè,Acquaviva Picena, Hall of the Palio, "Proposals", n. 8,9 July 1991, Rome, p. 39
Ilaria Capitani, The last canon, Cinema and social communication magazine Cinema, Theater, Television, Radio, Advertising, Information, February 1991
Corriere della sera, CINEMA / For art wins "The lady", Corriere della sera, Rome, 8 January 1991
L'eco di Bergamo, Concluded the III Festival "Cinema and Art", Bergamo, 5 January 1991
Andrea PIERSANTI - The EDS awards for Cinema and Art, "Idea", n. 1, January 1991, Rome, p. 44
Mario VERDONE, A girl who hasn't married, IDEA, 10-12 46th year 1990, p. 93
Mario DE CANDIA, Trovaroma Calendar CENTRO SAN LUIGI DI FRANCIA, Rome, 12 December 1990
CENTURY OF ITALY, Rai, everything except culture, rome 11 December 1990
Paola DI LUCA - "Cinema and Art ”, eleven documentaries, “L'Unità”, December 9, 1990, Rome
Giornale di Sicilia, "Cinema and Art" in the final a film about Gibellina, November 16, 1990
CINEMEDIA, Short film by Folco Quilici premiered at the III Festival "Cinema e Arte", 15 November 1990
Corriere del Giorno, "The waters of fire" of Quilici at the III Festival "Cinema and Art", Corriere del Giorno, 15 November 1990
AGI, Folco Quilici in preview inaugurates the "Cinema and Art" Festival, November 14, 1990
Albano ROSSI - XNUMXnd Biennial Prize of Contemporary Art, city of S. Agata Militello, 13 October 1990, S. Agata Militello, exhibition catalog p. 84
Stefania SEVERI - Lina Passalacqua, "Lazio itinerary" nos. 9-10, September / October 1990 Rome p. 46
Stefania SEVERI - text for the video Lina Passalacqua: a self-portrait, produced by Teleromacine, September 1990, Rome
Mariasilva ZANINI, ARTISTIC ACTUALITY, Arte in, year III number 4 - August 1990
Oliviero BEHA - Out of Play. 39 artists and the world championships, 7 June 1990, Rome, exh.cat
Gabriele CAMETTI ASPRI - Portrait of Lina Passalacqua, “The arts and the shows”, n. 25, March 8, 1990, Rome
Anna Maria CORBI - A world of games, "Proposals", n. 4, 23 February - 8 March 1990, Rome
Francesco D'EPISCOPO - Un IT world; of games, Trifalco Art Gallery, February 1990, Ed. Trifalco Rome, exhibition catalog pp. 31, 44
Stefania SEVERI - A world of games, magazine "Itinerary Lazio", nos. 1- 2, January / February 1990, Rome pp. 46 - 47
Christian BIZZARRI - Let the party begin !, "Prism" n. 1, January / February 1990, Turin, p. 43
Luigi TALLARICO - The teaching of the avant-gardes, "Parallel 38", n. 11, November 1989, Reggio Calabria
The New Venice, The Biennial of Sacred Art inaugurated by Patriarch Marco Cè, La Nuova Venezia, 3 October 1989, Venice
EDM, The Patriarch inaugurates the exhibition at the Diocesan Museum - Awarded the "golden ducats" of the Biennale of Sacred Art, Il Gazzettin, 3 October 1989, Venice
The Gazzettino of Monday, 39 works of Sacred Art on display in S. Apollonia, Il Gazzettino del Monday, 2 October 1989, Venice
Gino BORTOLAN (edited by) - VI ° National Biennial of Sacred Art, Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art,
2-22 October 1989, Ed. International Center of Graphics in Venice, Venice, exhibition catalog pp. 48,49
Maria Silva ZANINI - Lina Passalacqua, "Arte In" n. 3 June 1989, Venice, p. 56; Lina Passalacqua. The Word became flesh, "Arte In" n. 6, December 1989, Venice, p.55
Eusebio CECCOTTI, Mario Verdone: Lina Passalacqua, "Review of Culture and School Life", n. 8-9, August / September 1989, Rome, pp 9,15
Patrizia BONFIGLIOLI - Lina Passalacqua. Fragments in time and space, "Terzoocchio", n ° 51 June 1989, Bologna, p.57
Mario VERDONE -Futurist sacred art, "Terzoocchio", n.51, June 1989, Bologna, p.25
Eusebio CECCOTTI - Fragments in time and space, “Il Campo”, May 15, 1989, Siena
Hilde PINTO - Interview with Mario Verdone, “GBR”, video news at 19.30 pm, 4 May 1989
MB - Information, Reviews, News - Macerata, "La Gazzetta delle Arti" May 1989, Venice Mestre p.25
Guido MONTANA - The post-futurism of Lina Passalacqua, "Humanity", April 28, 1989, Rome
Courier Adriatic - Who shows the week, Corriere Adriatico, 11 April 1989
Giuseppe WILD - Lina Passalacqua between neo-futurism and the masters of tradition, "Visual Arts", RAI - GR 2, 21 April 1989
Lucio DEL GOBBO - S. Paolo: exhibition by Lina Passalacqua. Boccione lesson, "Corriere Adriatico", 20 April 1989, Macerata
Renato CIVELLO - Passalacqua, displayed dynamism, "Century of Italy", April 14, 1989, Rome
Mario CAPPELLETTI - Church of S. Paolo - Macerata - Lina Passalacqua, “Proposte”, 13 April 1989, Rome
The Rest of the Pug, The exhibition of Lina Passalacqua, 20 of fascinating painting, Il Resto del Carlino, April 8, 1989
Mario VERDONE - Avant-garde teaches. Conversation between Enzo Benedetto and Lina Passalacqua, “Futurism today” nos. 3/4, April 1989, Rome, p. 41
Mario VERDONE, From earth to sky - aeropoetry, FUTURISM TODAY, Year XXI n. 1-2 January-February 1989 (published the work “La motoretta”), p. 38
Mario VERDONE - Anthological presentation Lina Passalacqua: Fragments in Time and Space, Municipal Museums of Macerata, Church of San Paolo, 8-27 April 1989, Macerata, exhibition catalog
Simona WELLER (edited by), texts by Franca Calzavacca, Elena Gianini Belotti, Adele Cambria - “Paper x Paper". Review of works in paper by 80 European artists, Ed. DUNA 1988, Narni (Terni), exhibition catalog pp. 105,136
Antonio RUSSO (edited by), texts by Fortunato BELLONZI, Giuseppe SELVAGGI, - Tribute to De Chirico, Contemporary Art, Ed. La Gradiva, December 1988, Rome, exhibition catalog, p. 198
Salvatore CHIOLO - Interview with Lina Passalacqua, "Cultural rubric" edited by Salvatore Chiolo, Teletruria, 6 July 1988, Rome
Gino CALENDA OF TAVANI, The third biennial of sacred art, The Gazzetta delle Arti, July 1988
Paolo RIZZI, A cross?, Il Gazzettino - Arte, 1 June 1988
Bernadette UCCI - Art at the foot of the cross, "Avvenire", 29 May 1988, Pescara
Daniela PECA, Cross and Delight, La Gazzetta, May 5, 1988
D. Francesco SANTUCCIOLE - A "universal" symbol for the Biennale, "Avvenire", April 30, 1988, Pescara
The weather, It will take place from 23 April to 10 June: the third edition will be presentede of the Biennial of Sacred Art, The weather
Francis SANTUCCIONE, In the common sign of the cross, Avvenire, April 10, 1988
The echo of San Gabriel, When the cross is art, The echo of San Gabriel, 2 April 1988
G.DI GENOVA, G.MASCHERPA, S.ORIENTI, L.STROZZIERI - Third Biennial of Sacred Art. The Cross State Archive, Ed. Electa, 23 April-10 June 1988, Pescara, exhibition catalog p. 161
Ettore and Antonio RUSSO (edited by) - Art Market, Christmas 1987, Casa D'Arte "La Gradiva", Ed. La Gradiva, December 1987, Rome, exhibition catalog, pp. 134,135
Ferruccio ULIVI - Culture and poetry by Lina Passalacqua, presentation to the personal "Variations on the method", Casa d'Arte "La Gradiva", 6 September 1987, Montecatini Terme
Renato CIVELLO - A warm elegance, presentation to the personal "Variations on the method", Casa d'Arte "La Gradiva", 6 September 1987, Montecatini Terme
Renato CIVELLO (edited by) - Ibla Mediterrane. International Painting and Graphics Award IV edition, Palazzo dei Mercedari, November 1987-January 1988, Modica, exhibition catalog p. 236
Romeo LUCCHESE, Cesare VIVALDI - Of nature, Ed. Galleria Trifalco, May 1987, Rome, exhibition catalog p. 10
Albano ROSSI (edited by) - National Contemporary Art Award. City of Campobello di Mazara, and. Le Muse, March 1987, Campobello di Mazara, exhibition catalog p. 151
Gemma GALFRE '- Calvary today, "Passionist" magazine, 1987, Naples
Luigi SAITTA - And soon a museum will make Pescara the center of sacred art, "Il Tempo", 7 July 1986, Rome
Leo STROZZIERI, concludes the Biennale, Avvenire, May 18, 1986
Leo STROZZIERI, The Biennale of Art was inaugurated yesterday - A dialogue with artists that has been interrupted for some timeor, Avvenire, May 4, 1986
The messenger, The Second Biennial of Sacred Art is inaugurated tonight in the Municipality, THE MESSENGER, May 3, 1986
The Weather - Abruzzo, The aim is to establish a Museum of Sacred Art, Il Tempo - Abruzzo, 1 May 1986
The Future, 70 Italian artists at the Biennial of Sacred Art, Avvenire, March 2, 1986
T. AMODEI, A.DI BONAVENTURA, G.SAVIANE, L.STROZZIERI - Second National Biennial of Sacred Art, Sala Consiliare - Municipality of Pescara, 3-18 May 1986, biographical note of G. Rosato, Ed. Stauròs, Pescara, exhibition catalog pp. 69-101
Edith SCHLOSS - Painters Pay Homage to Rome, “Herald Tribune”, Roman edition, 18-19 January 1986, Rome
Toni BONAVITA - Painters and poets exalt Rome, "Il Tempo", January 14, 1986, Rome
Romeo LUCCHESE - Rome perennial source of images, “Idea di Roma”, Ed. Galleria Trifalco, December 1985, Rome, exhibition catalog p. 30
Mario VERDONE - Fernand Léger's cinema, "Terzoocchio", n. 2, June 1985, Bologna, p. 27
Vito APULEO - Angela Passalacqua. Desire for freedom, “Il Messaggero”, 19 March 1985, Rome
Mario VERDONE - Presentation to the staff Lina Passalacqua, Galleria Brandale, 2 March 1985, Savona
Mario VERDONE - presentation to the solo show: Free yourself from the shackles, you exist! Testimonies: T. Amodei, E.Calabria, A.Cambria, N.Loy, D. Morosini, A.Russo, L.Strozzieri, C.Vivaldi, S.Weller, Galleria Trifalco 7 March 1985, Rome
Anna Maria MAMMOLITI - Free yourself from the shackles, you exist! "Minerva" nos. 1-2, February - March 1985, Rome, magazine cover
Fortunato BELLONZI - Vitality of Contemporary Art (Poetics and Personality), biocritical sheets by Renato Civello, Ed. La Gradiva, 1985, Rome, exhibition catalog, p. 225
The people, On Sunday the Pope will proclaim 4 new blesseds, Il Popolo, September 28, 1984
The weather, From 22 September to 6 October Sacred Art in a great exhibition, Il Tempo, September 16, 1984
The new gazette of Pescara, Passion of Christ and Passion of man, The new gazette of Pescara, 11 May 1984
Fabio LUXURY, Fanfani at the exhibition of Sacred Art, Il Giornale di Pescara, May 9-15, 1984
Leo STROZZIERI - Man and the thirst for transcendence, “Avvenire”, 6 May 1984, Pescara
The Messenger of Pescara, At the First Biennale the works of the best Italian artists. Many visitorsi, Il Messaggero di Pescara, 6 May 1984
Aleardo RUBINI - The first edition of the Biennial of Sacred Art has been inaugurated, “Il Tempo”, 4 May 1984, Rome
Leo STROZZIERI, In the presence of authorities, artists and critics from all over Italy. The Biennial of Sacred Art is open, Il Giornale di Pescara, 3-8 May 1983
Adriano DI BONAVENTURA, Leo STROZZIERI (edited by) - 1st Biennial of Sacred Art, Palazzo della Provincia di Pescara, 28 April-12 May 1984, Ed. San Gabriele, Pescara, exhibition catalog p. 93
The weather, The first biennial of national sacred art will take place in the provincial building, Il Tempo 25 April 1984
Abruzzo Today, On the initiative of the “Centro Stauros” First Biennial of Sacred Art in Italy, Abruzzo today, 4 April 1984
The Newspaper of Pescara, Biennial of Sacred Art, Il Giornale di Pescara, 4 April 1984
Isabella LOSCHIAVO - Geometry as a feeling in Angela Passalacqua's painting, "Literary Calabria", nos. 1-2-3, Rubbettino Editore, February / March 1984, Cosenza, pp. 104,105
Pablo CALVO (edited by) - Symbolic exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts in via Ripetta and the 1st Liceo Artistico in Rome, “Villa D'Este Award”, Palazzo Posterla Tivoli, January 1984, exhibition catalog p. 43
Duilio MOROSINI – Angela Passalacqua, Critics recommended 1984, 67 artists chosen by 67 critics, "Bolaffi Catalog of Italian Modern Art", n. 19 ed. G. Mondadori & Associati, 1983, Turin, p. 102
Simona WELLER - Lina Passalacqua, “Noi Donne” n. 12, December 1983, Rome, p. 86
Ires ZANGHI '- The rationalism of Passalacqua, "L'Umanità", November 4, 1983, Rome
Gianni RAVIELE - Lina Passalacqua, "Primissima" RAI UNO, 21 October 1983
Anna DIAZ - Lina Passalacqua at Louis, RAI TRE, Liguria and Calabria, 16 October 1983
Mario DE CANDIA - Lina Passalacqua, “La Repubblica - TrovaRoma”, 14 October 1983, Rome
Duilio MOROSINI - Presentation to the staff Passalacqua Galleria Louis, 14 October 1983, Rome, exhibition catalog
Noi Donne editorial staff, A cover for March 8, Noi Donne, March 1983
Simona WELLER - Michelangelo complex, Ed. "The New Sheet". 1976, Macerata, p. 224
Domenico CARA - Presentation to the staff Passalacqua Giraldi Galleries, February 15, 1975, Livorno, exhibition catalog
Federico ORLANDO - A Roman in Tunis, “Il Globo”, 10 May 1974, Rome
Domenico CARA - Morphology of a pure referential rhythm, "Graphic structures and signs", Ed. Laboratorio delle Arti, 1974, Milan, pp. 411,486
Franco ALIMENA - Passalacqua's art, geometry and feeling, "Province of Matera", "Gazzetta di Chieti", "Gazzetta di Latina", "Gazzetta di Caserta", "Tribuna dell'Irpinia" "Cronaca di Potenza", 11 April 1974, Potenza; "Gazzetta di Salerno", 11 April 1974, Salerno; "Gazzetta di Brindisi", April 13, 1974, Brindisi; "Corriere di Frosinone", April 14, 1974, Frosinone; "Corriere di Lecce", 14 May 1974, Lecce
Gino TRAVERSE - Presentation at the personal exhibition Geometry as a feeling in Angela Passalacqua's painting, Square Gallery, 8 January 1974, Milan, exhibition catalog
Gino TRAVERSI - Angela Passalacqua, "Arte 2000", n. 12, December 1973, Milan, pp. 20,21
Vito APULEO - Angela Passalacqua, "Arte 2000", n. 9, July-August 1973, Milan, p. 45
Vitus APULEO, Art events in Lodi. The Passalacqua solo show ends today at Fanfulla, Corriere del Lodigiano, 10 May 1973
The Corriere dell'Adda, Angela Passalacqua at the Fanfulla, Il Corriere dell'Adda, 5 May 1973
Luciano QUALTIERI - Passalacqua to Fanfulla, "The Citizen", May 4, 1973, Lodi
Vanni RONSISVALLE - Lina Passalacqua, “Telegiornale” RAI UNO June 1972
Luciano MARZIANO - A. Passalacqua, “Il Margutta”, n. 6, June 1972, Rome
Il Giornale d'Italia, Notebook of the exhibitions, Il Giornale d'Italia, 10 - 11 June 1972
Paese Sera, Guide to the Roman art market, Paese Sera, 25 May 1972
The Roman observer, personal exhibition of Angela Passalacqua, May 24, 1972
Federico ORLANDO - The days of art: Sentiment and geometry in Lina Passalacqua, “Il Globo”, May 21, 1972, Rome; The exhibitions in Italy, “La Tribuna” n. 15, 24, 30 June 1972, Rome
Otello PROFAZIO - In Pezzara, testimony to the staff Passalacqua, Pantheon Art Gallery 23 May 1972, Rome, exhibition catalog
Vito APULEO - Presentation to the staff Passalacqua, Pantheon, 23 May 1972, Rome, exhibition catalog
Sette Volante di Berenici, Paese Sera, September 1971
Federico ORLANDO - The days of art: Angela Passalacqua to the students of the South, “Il Globo”, 2 November 1971, Rome
Ernesto CAROLI - IX National Biennial of Contemporary Sacred Art, Ed. Antoniano 1971, Bologna, exhibition catalog p. 234
Enotrio MASTROLONARDO - VIII International Painting Competition Serravalle Castle, “The season”, nos. 7-8, July / August 1970, Parma, p. 38
After you!, Awarded the Serravalle di San Marino Prize, Come on !, August 1, 1970
Unity, The exhibition for the home was inaugurated last night with great success with the crowd, L'Unità, January 24, 1970
Evening country, The works for the exhibition in the occupied Esquiline house arrive, Paese Sera, January 21, 1970
Adriano PACIONE - Special aics (Italian Association of Sports Clubs), n.4, April 1969, Rome, 12 tables on Sport
Franco REBECCHINI (edited by) - Sixth Roman Biennale - exhibition of the figurative arts of Rome and Lazio, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, February / March 1968, Ed. De Luca, exhibition catalog p.39
Ernesto CAROLI - VIII National Biennial of Contemporary Sacred Art, 14 September-20 October 1968, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome; 26 October-1 December 1968, Palazzo del Podestà, Bologna; 7 December - 12 January 1969, National Gallery of Modern Art, Milan, Ed. Federico Motta 1968, Milan, exhibition catalog pp. 71,230
Adolfo LORETI - A Calabrian painter in Ciociaria, “Il Messaggero”, May 31, 1967, Rome; Drawings by A. Passalacqua, “La Gazzetta Ciociara”, 25 June 1967, Frosinone
Milla PASTORINO - Presentation to the staff People of Ciociaria in the drawings of A. Passalacqua, EPT 1967, Frosinone, exh.cat
Giovanni CALENDOLI - Writers of the world gathered in Rome, "Masks - monthly show review", September-October 1963, Rome, portraits of John Dos Passos p.32, Marcel De Corte p.34, Henry Furst p.35, Marino Gentile p.36.
Giulio RAIOLA - Dos Passos: a quiet man, “La Notte”, 17 October 1963, Milan
The night, Interviewed in Rome does not take up the challenge of his accusers, "The night" 16-17 October 1963, Milan
Giovanni CALENDOLI, “Masks - monthly show review”, January 1963, Rome, portrait of Mario Federici p. 26.
Giovanni CALENDOLI, “Masks - monthly show review”, 1963, Rome, portrait of Carlo Alianello.
Giovanni CALENDOLI, “Masks - monthly show review”, Rome.
- Portrait of Gabriel Marcel, June 1962, p. ninety two.
- Portrait of Alberto Perrini, November 1962, p. 22.
- Portrait of Guido Guarda, December 1962, p. 22.
Arturo BOVI - One hundred faces of stars on display in the shop window, “Il Messaggero”, May 8, 1962, Rome
Giovanni CALENDOLI - Divas and actors in the showcase, "Telesera", April 7, 1962, Rome
Alberto CERRETTO - A unique art exhibition, "Corriere della Sera", April 27, 1962, Milan
Information Courier, The beauties in the window for the exhibition in Rome, Courier of information, 30 April - 1 May 1962